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CAREL at EUREKA: sustainable technologies for a better life


CAREL at EUREKA: sustainable technologies for a better life

CAREL at EUREKA: sustainable technologies for a better life

The CAREL Group will be a Diamond Sponsor at the “EUREKA 2016: Heating, Cooling & Ventilation: Sustainable technologies for a better life” conference, to be held in The Hague on 13 December.
This event, organised by The European Partnership for Energy and the Environment (EPEE) and The European Ventilation Industry Association (EVIA), is intended to demonstrate the impact of the HVAC/R industry on the European Union’s energy and climate goals, and highlight the potential, attractiveness and innovative nature of this industry.

Why has a manufacturer of electronic components decided to sponsor this event? “The answer lies in the strategy that CAREL has adopted since it was founded”, explained Biagio Lamanna, HVAC/R Knowledge Center Manager, in his introductory speech at the conference. “This concept can be summarised in the words our Managing Director, manager Francesco Nalini: We recognise environmental issues as a corporate priority. Never before have the concepts of efficiency, environmental sustainability and innovation in the HVAC/R business been so topical, and at CAREL we feel the duty to make an active contribution for future generations. The greater the impact of what we do on the market, the greater our contribution will be”. 

The event on 13 December represents a unique opportunity to examine the technological challenges relating to climate change, with detailed discussions between the different players involved.
