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CAREL Ukraine becomes a member of the Ukrainian Refrigeration Association


CAREL Ukraine becomes a member of the Ukrainian Refrigeration Association

CAREL Ukraine becomes a member of the Ukrainian Refrigeration Association

On 22 October, CAREL Ukraine was made a member of the Refrigeration Association of Ukraine, the principal objective of which is to promote know-how and training in the refrigeration market. The Association organises training courses, conferences and workshops to increase the professionalism of the industry in Ukraine. 

“The Refrigeration Association of Ukraine is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation, established to bring together the two sides of the refrigeration industry in Ukraine: its scientific and educational side, and its industrial side,” says Artur Bobrov, Managing Director of CAREL Ukraine. “We decided to become members of the Association to enable CAREL to make a contribution to the Ukrainian refrigeration industry, in-line with global and European trends in the evolution and environmental safety of society.”
